Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Ever constant, ever true,
Let the word be, no surrender,
Boldly dare and greatly do !
They shall bring- us safely through,
No surrender, no surrender! And though fortune's smiles be few, Hope is always springing new, Still inspiring me and 3Tou With a magic, no surrender.
Nail the colors to the mast Shouting gladly, no surrender; Troubles near, are all but past,
Serve them as you did the last, No surrender, no surrender ! Though the skies be overcast, And upon the sleety blast Disappointment gathers fast, Beat them off with no surrender.
Constant and courageous still, Mind the word is, no surrender! Battle tho' it be up hill, Stagger not at seeming ill,
No surrender, no surrender ! Hope, and thus your hope fulfill, There's a way where there 's a will, And the way all cares to kill, Is to give them no surrender.